Price list is valid from version 1.0 (stable)

On this page you can individually calculate your monthly costs for using giBoo. Fill out everything any you will receive the dynamic monthly costs. We can also develop specific solutions for you for a fee of 85,00 € net of taxes per hour. Tell us what you need and we do the magic.

Hint for the calculation: Chaning artist or booker limits afterwards is no problem and can be done anytime. Also there is no minimum contract duration necessary. You can only book one month and cancel after it. A minimum contract duration only starts when you decide to pay quarterly or yearly.

Standalone option: You are afraid to leave your data on our servers besides all safety precaution? Installing giBoo on your own server is technically possible but more expensive. If you are really dedicated to go this way then just contact us about details, reasons and to discuss requirements. Everything is possible.

Planned usage duration life (in years)

Each year -after twelve months- the price will be reduced by 8% based on the last months price. From the 5. year on, there will be no additional discounts anymore.

This option only helps you to find out the costs if you decide to choose giBoo over several years. It has nothing to do with a minimum contract duration.

1 unlimited (Selection: 4 Years)

Amount of users

Amount of users who can work in the system.

1 unlimited (Selection: 5 Persons)

Amount of artists

Amount of artists managed in the system

1 unlimited (Selection: 15 Artists)

Payment options

Quarterly (5% Discount)
Half-yearly (7,5% Discount)
Yearly (10% Discount)

Additional services

Emergency backup system. A fall back system on another server for the worst case scenario. This system is permanently getting update and is not older than 24 hours (its available at any time as well)

Further discounts

Not interested
Customers recruit customers. You are making another agency use giBoo (the new customer must inform us to be recruited by you) 15% Discount
Switch-over bonus. You are using a similar software of another provider? If you proof that and switch over to us you will receive 10% Discount

Calculated costs

All prices are net of tax


1. Year

  • 12 Months = €

2. Year

  • 12 Months = €

3. Year

  • 12 Months = €

4. Year

  • 12 Months = €

5. Year and each further

  • 12 Months = €

If you are finding a cheaper offer of a similar software then forward it to us and we might give you a new offer which you can not reject.

Order now!